Falsterbo and Honey-buzzards go together like being British and aiming a pistol at your foot, and the Bird Show is timed perfectly to coincide with a peak in the early season migration of this and other iconic long-distance migrants, exiting Scandinavia and funnelling down the ever-narrowing peninsula of the observatory. It's a spectacle we first (and last) enjoyed this time 13 (!) years ago, and once again, it didn't disappoint....
With the iconic lighhouse as a backdrop |
Each day provided great views of birds high or low, alone or in flocks, successfully sea-crossing or U-turning, from all points (the lighthouse, Nabben, the viewing platform at the Bird Show, over the supermarket....), and we had triple figures on most days - with many hundreds on the biggest day, 31st.
Classic 'wife's head in the way' shot |
U-turning over the golf course |