European Bee-eater, Susita
The upper slopes of Mount Hermon
One or two Cranes and a Greater Spotted Eagle in the Hula valley
- from thousands of Cranes, Storks and Kites, masses of waterbirds (including many Pygmy Cormorants, Glossy Ibises & Marbled Ducks), multitudes of herons (including Squaccos, Purples, Night-herons), kingfishers, Black Francolins.....
... and one or two White Storks
... Lesser Kestrels, lots of warblers, Yellow Wagtails, Red-throated and Tree Pipits, Nightingales, various hirundines, Pallid Harrier, lots of waders... in fact, too much to mention; birds just everywhere, and usually up close in perfect light. What a place.
Quick plug - all these areas in the Hula will feature heavily within our Birding the Valleys of Dreams tour in December, when it's even more bird-filled!.... check it out here if you fancy a mind-blowing winter break: YCN Northern Israel Dec 2023
Squacco Heron (above), Pygmy Cormorant (below)

A short clip of a Demoiselle Crane displaying at Hula Agamon in northern #Israel a few weeks ago - an unexpected treat among tens of thousands of birds 😍
— Mark James Pearson (@Markthebirder) May 11, 2023