Champions of the Flyway!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Greenish grass of home

The crowning glory of a killer day in the field yesterday from first light (the 25th), I was lucky enough to find this Greenish Warbler, plus a Barred Warbler, a Red-breasted Flycatcher and a Wryneck, in a maelstrom of migrants all within the same thirty metres or so of cover here at Filey. Magical.

Much more to follow, but it's an interesting bird showing arguably atypical characteristics, as well as calling atypically on at least some occasions; after much researching and trawling, however, it doesn't fit neatly into any subspecific bracket. So as it stands, it's an odd Greenish, which'll do just nicely; where it's from, who knows, but it's very welcome here.