Champions of the Flyway!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Spurn, May '22 (in pictures)

Spoonbills dropping onto Kilnsea Wetlands 

Just home from a fine five days a little further down the coast, at the always enjoyable and productive Spurn Bird Observatory. After several successful autumns leading groups there, this was our (Yorkshire Coast Nature's) first spring week, with the same template - Rich with our five-day residential group, I with a different group of clients each day; happy to say that it worked wonderfully and I'm pretty sure all our lovely attendees went home happy.
European Bee-eater feeding over our heads 

Weather wise, after a fine and calm start to the week we were somewhat hampered by strong winds from midweek onwards, but we still wrung out every last drop of avian entertainment and migration magic, and there was plenty of both (as well as lots of other wildlife to enjoy) - every day was very different, and therefore unique for my group of that particular day.
Common Swift over Beacon Ponds 

We're back again in the autumn, for two weeks (the third week of October and the first week of November), and places are selling fast (but are still available) - see here for more! If our previous trips are anything to by, they'll be and suitably bird-filled and a lot of fun.
Stone-curlew in the Triangle
Reed Bunting along the Canal
Dark-bellied Brent Goose along the Humber
Breeding Avocets
Tree Pipit on the river wall by the Obs
Cuckoo heading North
Sedge Warbler at the Warren
Little Tern at Beacon Ponds
Little Gull at Kilnsea Wetlands