Champions of the Flyway!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Isle of Mull, July '23

Ringed Plover chick 

We - the Mrs, the old man and I - returned from a great week on Mull about a month ago, staying in a lovely remote cottage (the former base for the RSPB when White-tailed Eagles were reintroduced many moons ago) and having a fine time relaxing and exploring what is, by all accounts, a ridiculously beautiful place.

Pearson Snr has been many times before (and so knew the place well), but we were Mull debutantes, and it was a great pleasure sharing it with both. We had mixed weather - it is the Hebrides, after all, and all the better to fully appreciate the land- and seascapes - and six days of stunning scenery, rich and varied wildlife, plenty of laughs and offline quality time.
Common Snipe
White-tailed Eagle and Hooded Crow
Short-eared Owl
None more Mull - neolithic stone circle with Highland cow and calf
Common Sandpiper
Golden Eagle
The cottage
.... in a heavy storm
Golden Eagle
White-tailed Eagle with Greylag gosling
Hen Harrier and standing stone
White-tailed Eagle with Common Gull chick
Ringed Plover chick
The clothes line at the cottage