Champions of the Flyway!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

USA, summer '24 - the neighbourhood (2)

Yellow Warbler (above and below) 

More than halfway through our five week trip out here in New England, and - after family time in upstate / mid NY - we're back in central-western Mass, at the homestead for a few days. A quick wander up to the newly discovered, very productive spot just up the hill (first trespassed erm I mean accessed here) was again very birdy; it being an old orchard / berry-picking farm, it's overflowing with food, and will be for some time yet.
American Redstart and Chestnut-sided Warblers (looking a little worn at the end of the season....)
Juvenile Eastern Towhee
Three of at least 18 Baltimore Orioles feasting on blueberries
Ovenbird - this from NY a few days ago
Flyover Grackle and House Finch