Champions of the Flyway!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A little stint with a Little Stint

A boring sea-watch this morning (unlike others of late - see next post for full details) inspired a brief jaunt out onto the brigg to scan through the assembled gulls and waders. Brief on account of a rapidly incoming tide, I came across this little beauty tottering around among wave-dodging Dunlins, Ringed Plovers, Purple Sandpipers and the like.

Initially some distance away, the small flock including the stint took flight, landed much closer, and allowed approach to within two or three metres - indeed, as with the Curlew Sandpiper on the brigg a couple of weeks ago, I had to back up considerably just to allow the camera to focus. The bird actually refused to flush, or indeed break a routine of nap-feed-nap, leaving me wondering if I should've patted it on the head before leaving. Absolutely magical.