Champions of the Flyway!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Israel, spring '23 - Bonelli's Eagle & yellow wagtails

A minor diversion from the chronological flow to accommodate a few extra photos.....
- firstly from an insane experience Amity and I enjoyed with a Bonelli's Eagle on the Jordanian border, just north of Eilat.... these at least include the whole bird - only possible when it'd gained sufficient height (not much) above our heads for it to fit in the frame. A proper goosebumps moment!
And secondly, a collection of 'yellow' wagtails from the Eilat area over the first week. The first three photos are of Citrine Wagtail, a regular presence on the trip (and more abundant than on previous visits) - pictured are a male from the IBRCE, and a female from the Flamingo Pools....
.... while the rest are, well, Yellow Wagtails. Honest.