Champions of the Flyway!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

North Cave Wetlands, 6th March '25

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Ruddy Shelduck with its Common cousins 

A very enjoyable early(ish) session at North Cave Wetlands this morning, in beautifully sunny, clear-skied conditions. It's a reserve I've not frequented with any regularity before, but now it's very much within striking distance - 45 minutes from home, and pretty much on the way to work if I'm surveying on the Humber - it's likely to get a lot more attention.
Greater Scaup
And if this morning is any indication, then that's just how it should be: great views of Scaup, Ruddy Shelduck, Avocets fresh-in, 22 Whoopers low and north, and plenty more; with the already extensive wetland habitats getting better and better (and plenty of friendly locals - good to see everyone!), my intention is to make much more of an effort here over the spring when time and opprtunity allows.
15 of 22 Whoopers north
Song Thrush giving it full throttle
Brimstone butterfly - not from North Cave, but from New Holland (on the Lincs side of the Humber) shortly after.