This last week has been replenishingly birdy, much of which involved four very enjoyable days guiding at Tophill Low, in the Hull Valley in East Yorkshire.
Cattle Egret
With such a fantastic mix of habitats in such close proximity, the birding is always quality - at pretty much any time of year, too - and so it was throughout my tours. Highlights were many - Scaup, Smew, Red-crested Pochards, Marsh Tits, Kingfishers, White-fronted Goose, Cetti's Warblers, Tawny and Barn Owls......
..... gangs of displaying Goldeneyes, super-close, nest-building Marsh Harriers, Cattle, Great and Little Egrets, Red Kites, newly-arrived Chiffchaffs, about-to-leave Redwings, great views of myriad commoner species....
A really excellent, exciting new addition to our birding tour calendar, and I'm already looking at where I can fit in more days here later in the year - watch this space, and check the Yorkshire Coast Nature website here.