Champions of the Flyway!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

USA, summer '24 - the neighbourhood

Juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Even at the worst time of the year, at the worst time of day, there's still plenty to enjoy here.... just a few minutes from the family homestead, I found an unoccupied house with a perfect, undisturbed area of varied habitat within its boundaries - ready made for a fantastic hour ot twos relaxed birding. Thick scrub, open woodland, weedy glades and no disturbance - I'll be back...
Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Scarlet Tanager
Yellow Warbler (above), Baltimore Oriole (below)
Blue-winged Warbler (above), Chestnut-sided Warbler (below)

American Robin and Cedar Waxwing - both abundant local breeders

Friday, July 26, 2024

USA, summer '24 - Maine

Bonaparte's (above) and Laughing Gulls

Just back at the western Mass homestead after a fine few days in coastal Maine staying with our dear friends Kate, George and Indigo - lots of coastal adventures (swimming, hiking, sailing, running, ice-cream) and good times. 
Fledgling (above) and parent (below) Dark-eyed Juncos
American Red Squirrel, Belted Kingfisher

Saturday, July 20, 2024

USA, summer '24 - garden Bluebirds

We're back 'home' here in New England for a few weeks, spending quality time with family and friends before a hectic autumn begins back in Yorkshire; while it's pretty much the least birdy time of year to visit, this being the US, there's still lots to enjoy.
The garden of the family homestead here in Western Massachusetts is small but always entertaining, and there's already been plenty to appreciate while sipping coffee on the porch. Local breeding birds include these Eastern Bluebirds, which (as illustrated) have several hungry chicks, which are being expertly catered for by both parents.
(above - a local fledgling from a few doors down)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Transylvania, May '24 (7)


A final post from our wonderful Transylvania adventure back in May, which I was fortunate to guide for Yorkshire Coast Nature - ten days of birds, bears, beautiful landscapes and warm, traditional hospitality.
For our final two nights, we were way out in the sticks of central Transylvania, in a 16th century lodge (above and below) surrounded by forests and rolling green hills... birds everywhere, including owls - most notably, the Ural Owl in the clip at the top of the post, which I picked up thanks to my Zeiss thermal imager; we'd heard it loud and clear, but we'd have missed it otherwise, and I was able to track it to a branch where everyone got great views.
Our final adventure involved a drive and then a cable car up to the sunny, hot, snow-patched summit of Cota 2000 Sinaia, where we'd great forest birding on the way up and down (including singing alpestris Ring Ouzels and Goshawks), and plenty of target breeding species at the top, including Shorelarks, Water Pipits and Wheatears.
Thanks to Bobi from Milvus for a great co-guiding experience - looking forward to next time! 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Transylvania, May '24 - Bears!

With our trip being marketed as 'Birds and Bears', it would've been a little remiss if we'd not rendezvoused with a least one during our time in Transylvania.... as it happened we watched 13 (!) - including mums and cubs of various ages, and rogue males and females (lots of drama....) - and as you can see from the photos, the experience was unforgettable.
Several metres away from us for over well an hour, exhibiting all manner of behaviour and tomfoolery, in true Transylvanian forest wilderness. Perfect!