Champions of the Flyway!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter Is Coming

As the wind howls and the sleet splatters against the study window, much as I'd love to bring news of today's outdoor adventures, I'd be lying if I did. And so a few images from these last few days, characterised by bone-chillingly low temperatures and beautiful snow scenes here in Filey.

Female Reed Bunting and Mute swan, East Lea

There have been limited cold weather movements, but nothing too notable, and it's been more a case of appreciating land- and sea-scapes; this is really what mid-winter is all about, and it's hard to undersell the beauty of our adopted manor. Aside from the beach blizzards of the last post, perhaps the most surreal images from the last few days were courtesy of the frozen clay-waterfall in the bay corner the other day (see below.....)

Redwing, House Sparrow, colour-ringed Redshank (of which, details are awaited)

(click on any image to enlarge)

.... and some deep-frozen seaweed on the beach.